Learning Hadoop 2 is a very good chance to start familiarizing with this suite’s capabilities and potential. It gives a pretty good overview of Hadoop’s components and complements, describing them and showing easy-to-follow examples (that the student is most welcome to try, since all the code and resources used in the course are available). It does not cover generic Big Data concepts, but focuses on Hadoop’s usability. The software-of-choice used is the Cloudera Hadoop suite (that comes in the form of a Virtual Machine), so there is no time wasted in Hadoop configuration and set-up. This makes it perfect for people that has already learnt about Big Data, but needs a start point to apply all those theoretical concepts. Mr. King’s explanations are (like most of the material used in the course) clear and fresh, describing all the concepts, general usage of the tools and even showing common mistakes, so we can avoid them in the future. If you are familiar with Big Data concepts and want to start giving your first steps using Hadoop, this course is right for you! At the end you will be able to manage a Cloudera Hadoop implementation, transfer data from (and to) the most populars data origins to your cluster, and process data using plain JAVA, and also Pig and Hive complements(assuming that you already have some coding experience). Overall, this is a great opportunity for Hadoop newcomers to start working with the suite in a fresh and easy-to-follow way.